Hello everyone, this week I will be sharing our New York trip. I hope you enjoy this weeks post.
Saturday: We drove to Ocean city MD and stopped at this candy store called The Candy Kitchen and got a few different Candies at that store. Then we drove about 20 minutes to this town called Rehoboth DE. We explored the shops in Rehoboth beach. Off all of the shops there was a boardwalk and walked on the boardwalk got lunch at a bagel shop called David's Skippy's Bagels. After Rehoboth we went to Lew's ferry and got on the ferry to Cape may NJ. We drove to Asbury NJ. Then we stayed in Asbury for the night and got pizza at a place called Porta's pizza

Sunday: We drove out of New Jersey and went to another bagel place called Pop's bagel &deli for breakfast. Then we drove into New York city. After we drove around New York we went to the hotel and checked in and then we went to a diner called Scotty's diner for a brunch. Next, we went to a musical Broadway show in Time square called "Get on your feet." After the Broadway show we went to the hotel and then went to dinner at a restaurant called Jackson hole burgers. At the end of the night, we walked to a bakery called baked by Melissa.
Monday: To start off the morning we went to a market for coffee
for my dad. After that we walked to the Today show area. We stood
there for a little bit and I got to touch Al Roker's hand. Next we
walked to get breakfast at Chick-fil-a. Then we walked to the
Wax museum in Time Square and that was very fun to go to. From
there we walked to Central park and sat there for a little bit. Next, we
got onto the subway and went to the 9/11 memorial which was beautiful
to see. We walked to a mall and got some pizza. Then from there we
got back on the subway and went to the natural history museum. We
all were very tired and took a taxi back to the hotel. The picture was taken
at the roof top of the hotel we were staying. We went to dinner at the
restaurant at the bottom of our hotel.
Tuesday: We left NYC and drove to Harrisonburg VA. Then
we walked around James Madison University. The school was
very pretty. Then we got Mexican food at a restaurantnear the school.
Then that was the end of our trip to NYC.
Thank you for stopping by:)
<3, Shelly